Our Privacy Policy


We know you care about your privacy and the protection of your personal information. We also know it is our responsibility to be clear about how we protect your information. We designed this Privacy Policy to do just that. It explains the types of personal information we collect, and how we collect, use, maintain, protect, and share this information. This Privacy Policy also tells you about the rights and choices you may have when it comes to your personal information. After reviewing this Privacy Policy if you still have questions, you can contact us for more information.

The personal information we collect and how we collect it

When you submit your information on Contact Us page we collect the provided information including name, email address, and any phone number provided. We also know it is our responsibility to be clear about how we protect your information.

When and with whom we share information

We do not sell, and have never sold, information that identifies who you are to anyone.

How and when we use information, including for marketing and advertising

We use the information we collect to provide updates about our products and communicate with you through email and phone if one was provided.

How we protect your information

We follow industry-standard practices to secure the information we collect to prevent the unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of any personal information we collect and maintain. These security practices include technical, administrative, and physical safeguards, which may vary, depending on the type and sensitivity of the information. Although we take the responsibility of safeguarding your personal information seriously, no security measures are 100% effective and we cannot guarantee that these practices will prevent every unauthorized attempt to access, use, or disclose your information.

How long we keep your information

We keep your personal information for different lengths of time depending on the type of information and the business and legal requirements. For example, if you are a customer, we keep information that personally identifies you as long as the company that you are a part of remains in our client list. If you wish for us to no longer keep your personal information please contact us and we will remove your information from our records.